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Sun, January 26, 2025

Published Date: January 4, 2021 ,Last modified on January 7th, 2021

Talking About Inc.

Media Advertisement Platform YouTube

As specialized with contents localization, Ai-Based YouTuber search engine for Advertiser

Company Intro Video


Multilingual Localization in Media contents such as translation and voice-over. We're affiliated with many famous companies for localization, so we're inspired to support multilingual subtitles to YouTubers on the condition their profit is shared with us. Currently, the number of partnerships is over 10, and it is expected to increase more. Our main partner is Kid YouTuber named Boram Tube and Dona TV, who reached top subscribers in Korea. With these outstanding references, we believe it attracts more YouTubers quickly. The profit from these two YouTubers makes half of our total revenue, around 400K KRW. We can widely expand our business model to the overseas market, especially China. Due to the overflowing popular contents in Korea, they're localized and distributed to the Chinese market. We're accelerating as a distributor.

Company Overview

Talking About.Inc is specialized in media contents localization, mainly focusing on YouTube content to encourage YouTubers to localize and distribute their contents overseas. We cover most of the languages in localization, expecting the contents-consumption trend is globally expanded. Against this backdrop, the demand for advertisement targeting overseas is on the increase, which motivates our company to develop the global YouTuber search engine. In this advertisement market, we’re planning to support the environment that helps YouTube advertisers easily find their targeted subscribers without wasted resources such as time and expense. In the long term, we will enhance the service satisfaction in terms of three factors in the searching result – speed, accuracy, and reduced-data calculation process

Problem Overview

A similar business model with us is the one-way search engine derived from the processed data generated from YouTube API. As the need for matching best-fit YouTuber to advertisers, even most YouTuber have their AD preference closely relevant with the taste of subscribers. It takes too much time to attract YouTuber unlike advertisers, which causes information asymmetry between these two parties. YouTube API is limited to a quantitative result, not finding out detailed preferences. Constant messages from unverified advertisers are sent to YouTuber for business cooperation, consuming a long time in sorting them out. Some of the platforms allow advertisers to post the AD campaign and YouTubers apply for it, but this method is not efficient due to the many of the inappropriate applicants

Solution Overview

YouTuber should get encouraged to input their preference data to attract the right YouTubers they need, not just relying on the data from API. YouTube API is not able to systemically collect sensitive and private information such as advertisement pricing, product & service, a targeted client, considering impression on public. This new search engine platform requires YouTubers to insert the data of their preferences like a hashtag. The most relevant search data set are stored and operated for the deep learning algorithm, enhancing the accuracy of the search result. As MCN, we believe to quickly attract many YouTubers with multilingual subtitles.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Business Model

This service will be basically a subscription profit for receiving the information result saving the waste of time. Free-trial service for a limited period can be great access to the market, converting to the gradually paid promotion. The annual plan for unlimited service should charges almost 10 times larger than the monthly plan.

Competitive Landscape

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Founders' Bio

Hyunwoo, Kim



Term Sheet

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  • About Talking About Inc.
  • Website : talkingabout.co.kr
  • Location : South Korea
  • Founded year : 13/04/2020
  • Company size : 13 people
  • Total funding amount: $N/A
  • Markets: Media Advertisement Platform YouTube